HYBRID FORMS: Building and Painting the Object


  • workshoptaki fotolar
  • boyarken ve boyadıktan sonraki hali
  • karşılaştığın zorluklar
  • şeklini tam tutturamamak

To build the object itself I first had to decide what type of a roadblock that I wanted. So I experimented with different shapes via non-drying clay.

I choose the first design and went with it for my final version. Since the 3D workshop was not accessible throughout the spring break, I had to move my schedule faster.


I had no experience in building an actual 3D object from scratch prior to this brief, so I made a blueprint of the shape I wanted and got help from a technician on which steps to follow.

We first found suitable pieces of wood and the technician cut the required shapes for me. And right from the start, something went wrong. I wanted the side surfaces to be straight without bumps, but the technician and I had a communication error so we ended up with unplanned bumps in two sides. I tried to tell him that this is not the shape I wanted but he kind of did not want to hear me out. So I said “fuck it, it still looks like a roadblock” and did not argue with him furthermore.

We proceeded to glue the pieces together with normal white glue because apparently, white glue works too good on wood. And amazingly it did. We placed bolts on the thing to keep the pieces in place until it dried. And then I filled the cracks and any dents with “wood filler”. It’s basically a paste that you spread out to faulty areas on wood with a spatula to smooth them out. After that dried out, I was given an automatic sandpaper machine by the technician to smooth out the layer of wood filler and other splinters. And finally, spraypainted the whole thing in white to get a blank canvas to paint my motives.


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